together with Rachel Rouzaud
The garbage truck is coming*
The project proposes a renewed interest in objects abandoned or discarded by their former owners. By recovering these objects and accepting to consider them, this approach is already part of the prism of care. Looking at these objects reflects the norm of consumer society as it is today: based on the ephemeral use of objects because they can always be replaced. The project proposes to recover these broken and discarded objects (from the street, recycling centers and attics) and to hybridize them in order to give them a new form. This hybridization could make the object useful again, or simply result in a chimera.
This project also addresses the ephemeral in that the object will have had a ""functionalist"" and ""desired"" ephemeral past, then will have an ephemeral status of neglected, before being looked at again, then an ephemeral ownership will have been granted to the person renovating or hybridizing the objects, before passing to an ephemeral ""common"" status during the time of the residency, until being adopted by a new person.
*The title of the project is coming from Facebook groups actives in Poland : ‘Śmieciarka jedzie’ (= 'The garbage truck is coming’) that were created in order to allow others users to adopt and re-own objects before garbage trucks are coming.

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